Dadpreneur Revolution

How Your Family Can Save 10K Or More And Free Yourself From The Corporate RatRace with Justin Kessel-Thriving In A Crisis

Episode Summary

Justin is an amazing entrepreneur, husband and dad with a huge passion for the wellbeing of others.Join us as he shares his journey from fear to success and how serving others is his #1.

Episode Notes

In this episode, you will learn:

-The fear of quitting your job and going freelance
-The process to do a successful transition
-The power team you need to make it.
-The unknown facts how you and your family can get better care and save a lot on your Healthcare insurance.
-The #1 think that took Justin from struggling to profits.

Connect to Justin at

Create your 4 step plan to put family first and generate great profits. A life of family time and business success.

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